Presented by: The Chinese Language and Culture Center of Maine (CLCCM) and the Bangor Chinese School
In collaboration with: The Maine Department of Education, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences of University of Maine,
the City of Bangor, Husson University, Maine International Trade Center, and Orono High School
Sponsored by: Lee Academy (Maine) and the Consulate General of People’s Republic China in New York
Co-Sponsor: John Bapst High School
Past Conferences |
The primary audiences:
School administrators, board members, teachers,
students, parents, members of institutions of higher education, businesspeople, politicians, entrepreneurs, and interested others.
Registration form
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Want to be an exhibiter
Topics(Under development):
• Perspective on Cooperation in Education and Business Between China and US
• Maine Confucius Classroom/Institute
• Gubernatorial trade mission to China and perspective of EB5 opportunities in Maine
• Strategies, experiences and recourse of teaching and learning Chinese language
• Education Market in China and international students recruitment
• Building up Chinese Sister Schools/Cities and business partnership
• Opportunities of exporting and importing: Moving Maine Goods into Chinese Markets’
• Opportunities and resource for Maine business in both USA and China
• Trip to China opportunities in Education, Business and Medical
• 2013 Study in China opportunities, and exchange programs: CLCCM/Hanban Study in China program, and NSLI-Y- FREE 6-week program
• New ways to find buyers from China and teaching in China
• Meet experts and make friends professional
• Appreciate Mongolian Dance
2012 Maine Chinese Conference Committee:
Jing Zhang, Coordinator of 2012 Maine Chinese Conference, Director of CLCCM, and President of Bangor Chinese School
Don Reutershan, World Languages Specialist, Maine Department of Education
Raymond Pelletier, Professor, Modern Languages and Classics, University of Maine
Jane Smith, Professor, Modern Languages and Classics, University of Maine
Lynn Coy-Ogan, Provost, Husson University
Gerry Palmer, Bangor City Council; Former Mayor, the City of Bangor
Bruce Lindberg, Headmaster, Lee Academy
Jim Chasse, Principal, Orono High School
James T. Kenny, Chair, Board of Directors, CLCCM; Former Dean, Husson University
John Nicolai, President, Lulu Lobster Boat Ride
Suzhong Tian, Academic Officer, Bangor Chinese School
For more information:
Please call 990-0710 or email