---Language & Cultural Center
A nonprofit organization
53 Cumberland Street, Bangor, ME 04401; 207-990-0710 /1-888-769-6688; jingzhang@bangorchinese.com
2009 Maine Chinese Language Conference
---Building Strong and Sustainable Chinese Language and Culture Programs in Maine
and Establishing Partnerships between Maine and China.
Friday, November 6, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm, Wells Conference Center, University of Maine.
Presented by: Chinese Language & Culture Center of Maine (CLCC) and Bangor Chinese School,
in collaboration with the Maine Department of Education, The University of Maine and Orono High School
Sponsored by: Lee Academy (Maine).
The primary audiences, for this conference are school administrators, school board members, teachers, parents, and members of institutions of higher education statewide.
We would be honored to have you as a participant and would be delightedgrateful for the opportunity to share with you the highlights of Chinese language and culture teaching and learning in Maine.
Topics and Speakers:(draft)
8:30-9:00 Registration, Refreshments, and Displays
9:00-9:15 Welcome and Program Details
Jing Zhang, Director of CLCC and President of Bangor Chinese School
Jeffrey Hecker, Dean of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Maine(Ray)
Jim Chasse, Principal of Orono High School
Opening Doors to China and the U.S.
Jianjun Cen, Education Counsellor, the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York
A Perspective of Doing Business between Maine and China
John Richardson, Commissioner of DECD (Jing)
How Education Brings Business to Maine
Bruce Lindberg, Lee Academy
Building up Connection and Partnership with China
Gerry Palmer, Mayor of the City of Bangor
10:40-10:55 Break and Displays

Chinese Language Education: A National Perspective
Jeff Wang, Asia Society
Overview of World Language Instruction in the State of Maine
Don Reutershan, Maine Department of Education
World Languages in Maine’s universities
Raymond Pelletier, The University of Maine
12:30-1:30 Lunch and Performance:
Taiji, Guzheng, Erhu and Chinese language performance by Chinese school students (Ray will contact Karen and find out a Chinese performance from the Culture Festival of Umaine; Bruce will find Chinese students in the Academies to perform Chinese instrument)

1:30-2:10 Stories of Chinese Teaching in Maine: How do they develop their program? What is the most important to a teacher? What is the challenge to teach in USA schools.
Wei Wu, Bo Zhu, Yue Deng and other local Chinese teachers
2:15-3:15 Multi-Media (methods) Use in Language Teaching
Gisela Hoecherl-Alden, the University of Maine
How to Assess Students’ Learning in Foreign Language (tentative)
Suzhong Tian and Nives Dal Bò-Wheeler, the University of Maine
3:20-3:35 Break and Displays
3:35-4:05 Resources for Developing Chinese Programs
Don Reutershan, Jing Zhang, Jeff Wang
4:05-4:15 Evaluations and Next Steps
Don, Jing and Ray
All day Display of Resources for learning Chinese, attending non-profit organizations, publishers, and companies
Registration fee (includes all sessions, materials and lunch):
Before October 20: $95; after October 20: $125; seniors (age 65+) and students: $50
For more information:
Please call 990-0710, email info@bangorchinese.com, or visit www.bangorchinese.com/CONFERENCE.HTML
To reserve your place: Complete the attached registration form and return it with your payment to Chinese Conference Registration, 53 Cumberland Street, Bangor, ME 04401.
Space is limited so register early! Registration date is the date that payment is received. You will receive an email confirming your registration.